My New Favorite Thing

This little gizmo is going to change my life.

No more suction-induced headaches that last for hours post-swim and result from ill-fitting goggles and having to tighten them so much that they cut off the blood supply to the orbits of my eyes.

This is a seriously exciting find.

And where did I find it? Why, my new favorite place in Madison. I feel like I'm cheating a bit on my other favorite place, but really, Endurance House is just so darn cool...and has everything one would want triathlon-wise. I even got some great chlorine-be-gone shampoo and conditioner so I don't have to smell the pool on my hair for days afterwards.

The other day, I caught myself saying that, these days, I'm perfectly content to shop away at either of these two stores and others like them -- and that I have no desire to wander through Banana Republic or Ann Taylor or White House Black Market.

Those who know me well know the significance of that statement. If I can pay money for things like this or this that can either make the pain of Ironman training and racing either a) less severe or b) go by faster, then sign me up!

Posted by Erin 1:28 PM

1 Comment:

  1. Unknown said...
    This is a serious statement, but very cool. I especially like the body glide!

    Keep up the great work!


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