
When the going gets tough, the tough...sleep.

This week, I've done about one-third of the workouts I was supposed to. Tuesday? Scheduled for a swim, bike, and short run-off. Actual? Bike. Wednesday? Nada. Thursday? Three mile run.

And Ironman? Oh, only EIGHT weeks off! Arrrghhhh! What in holy hell am I doing?

In my defense, I didn't plan to skip these days. Mid-week visitors, combined with birthday celebration, combined with a crazy-ass work week, combined with my complete inability to get myself into a morning workout routine has resulted in a poor (pitiful?) showing on the "actual hours logged" portion of the workout chart.

Wednesday, my sister and brother-in-law, my dog, and my adorable fur-nephew Nolan (below), came to visit. I got out of work late, they arrived in Madison early, and (as one of my fav political bloggers would say) wallah! No workout.

Leonard and Nolan.

Then, up early yesterday to get the dogs to the park, have breakfast with the sister, and get on the road to Wausau for work. I should have been at the pool at 4:30 after driving back. I even had my gear with me. But a work crisis arose, and since I can't very well swim with my blackberry or take it biking with me and needed to be near a computer when I got the call I was anticipating, I was relegated to a quick three miles on the treadmill. Now, in full disclosure, I was done with everything by 8-ish. I should have hauled myself to the pool. I should've gotten my ass on the bike. But what did I do? Ate Thai food in bed and went to sleep at 9:30.

This, I've sternly told myself, is not very Ironman-ish behavior. I'm disappointed in myself, and frustrated with all that I didn't do.

I'm trying not to beat myself up over this. Better ten percent undertrained than ten percent overtrained. Must've needed the rest. Tough weekend coming up. And all that, et cetera. But it's definitely weighing on me.

I vow right now to do better next week. And the week after that. And the week after that. Right up until THE day. I will do better.

Posted by Erin 1:45 PM

1 Comment:

  1. Team Brazo said...
    Unplanned slow training week -- been there done that. What I've found is that the unplanned slow week seemed to be "planned" by my body needing that rest. The next week I always seem to have one of those breakthrough weeks where everything feels great.

    I 100% agree with "Better ten percent undertrained than ten percent overtrained".

    Have a nice weekend,

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