Thank the Lord for Thursday Nights

...and bringing back Grey's Anatomy just in time to fill up the hours of not-training I'm now (not) doing after Ironman.

But, omg! A deer?! Burke is gone for good? Sloan came to Seattle to "get Derek back?"?!? "Callie's a bitch." George loves Izzie? Lexie is the "girl from the bar." And McDreamy/Meredith do a non-breakup breakup...again? Good lord. It was a lot to pack into one episode. My head nearly exploded. But the season ahead? Looks like it's going to be a fun one, folks.

All I can say is, it's great to be back in the fold. I missed many a Grey's night whilst in the pool, swimming laps at Master's practice in preparation for IM-Moo, and it made me crabby. Because around here, missing Grey's isn't just missing a TV show. We have a little group that gets together, eats a potluck dinner, drinks wine (main component of said group), and visits before and after the show (and sometimes during commercials -- but there's a no-talking edict during). And in the last two years, I've come to look forward to and rely on this little weekly reprieve from work and the sometimes mundane routine of real life.

There are only two rules with this group (one of which was nearly violated by most of us last night): Rule #2 -- no men in speedos, and Rule #1 -- no crying. I'll let you figure out which one was which. And by "let you figure out," I mean I'll just go ahead and tell you. Because, man! The little girl, blinking "I love you" to her dad whose head was no longer attached to his spinal column...and Lexie Grey making a big deal that George delivered a baby on his very first day. Got me right here, I tell you. Right here.

I realized last night, cleaning up from the Grey's get-together, that I finally have my life back. (slightly delayed realization, I admit). It's what I looked forward to for so long during those nights where I'd spin for a couple of hours, then run, then go to Master's, and finally drag myself home to bed, almost too tired to eat. And I enjoyed that grind, to a point. I enjoyed pushing myself and seeing how far I could go with me. But honestly? I enjoyed last night more.

I have a pretty full life...and a good life...but because of Ironman, almost all of it was put on hold last year. I don't regret that for one milisecond. I don't regret all that I gave up and all that I accomplished, but that doesn't mean that I'm not thrilled now to sit outside on a beautiful fall night on a sidewalk table and drink wine with my girlfriends, or to linger at the barn and watch the sun set over Verona, or indulge in sloppy joes and Grey's Anatomy on a Thursday night. Swimming, biking, and running? All three are a big part of life for me, but now, they're not the only part. And for that, for now, I'm thankful.

Posted by Erin 7:49 AM


  1. Team Brazo said...
    You know - I never watch drama or sitcoms -- NEVER. The only one that I got caught up in was 90210 (anything with trust funds interests me). But ABC put this darn Grey's on Sunday nights to start with -- which I'm a bit soft on Sunday nights -- and low and behold I'm watching the darn show. Now, I'm stuck -- but I refuse to watch the spinoff.

    Oprah and now Grey's -- I best start watching the WB PRO Wrestling to get my manly-hood back!!

    Enjoy your weekend...
    Laurie said...
    Ohhhh! I love love love Grey's Anatomy. And I like you even more knowing that you do too!

    I got teary too with the little girl blinking three times.

    I'm glad you are fully enjoying life post-Ironman.
    Anonymous said...
    I wish my breakups were as hot as Meredith and Derek's...
    Unknown said...
    So right! We started a spinoff Thursday get together in DC! We started at Anne's with sushi!
    Anonymous said...
    Grey's get togethers?!?!? Can I girl invite herself (when she's not in class of course?) I would love to get in on this action!

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