I Heart My Local Starbucks

"My" Starbucks, the one on Capitol Square here in Madison, has to be one of the best of its kind. It's clean, it's cozy, and since I've been frequenting it for about two straight years, most days, it kind of feels like a second home at times -- my own little version of "Cheers." Because after all that time spent ordering the same latte day in and day out, the baristas do know my name.

I know. I should be frequenting one of the locally-owned coffee shops on and around the square. Supporting hometown business. All that good stuff. And now and then, I do. But here's the thing: I like Starbucks. I like the fact that they have new flavors every season. I like the fact that they get involved in the community -- from displaying local artists on the walls to sponsoring a family in need for the holidays. I like that they give their baristas good benefits. I like that those baristas are so nice to the few homeless folks who frequent the place, too, as are the other regular patrons who recognize them. I like that they put out the horiscope daily. But most of all, I like -- no, love -- that when I order a latte, it's going to taste exactly the same every. single. time. And that, my friends, is priceless. Because there's nothing like paying three dollars and change (or four) for a sporadically-almost-undrinkable latte.

But I digress. Back to "my" Starbucks. Today I walked in, crabby at the fact that it was already Monday. Daunted by all that lay ahead of me this week to get done before the holidays. And still reeling from several bad coffee experiences in a row over the weekend during my visit to the Detroit area.

I stepped up to the register. "Venti today or just a grande?" the dark-haired guy in the Starbucks smock asked me.

I told him that Monday meant Venti. Always. And a triple. Always.

He laughed. Asked me what had happened to my usual penchant for Toffee Nut lattes, why I switched, if I had had a good weekend, and what I had done.

Just then, a barista that I had oft-chatted with but never actually "met" until a few weeks ago, waved at me. "Morning, Erin!"

They left me smiling into my triple-vente-nonfat-latte all the way to work. So friendly, so nice, and in the midst of so much espresso-making craziness at 8:30 a.m.

Oh, and bonus of my Starbucks? The occasional Blake Becker sighting (twice now, and counting). Apparently even professional triathletes need their coffee fixes, too.

Posted by Erin 7:23 AM


  1. Iron Krista, "The Dog Mom" said...
    when you find somewhere you love. Stick with it.... love it. It won't let you down :-)

    That is my SAFEWAY. It's more expensive, sometimes the produce is OUT. But, they are nice, and helpful and I don't have to scan a stupid card to get the sale prices.
    Anne said...
    God I miss that Starbucks.

    Erin said...
    Anne -- That Starbucks and I miss you!
    Anonymous said...
    I was JUST at that Starbucks on Sunday after checking out the tree at the capital! Sigh. I even read my horoscope on the counter.

    I got the new Peppermint White Chocolate latte. The verdict is still out on that one.

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