What I Learned in November

Ok, so November was a wash, blog-wise. It was a busy, busy month bookended by election night and Thanksgiving and peppered with work zaniness. But I'm back, and am making a promise -- if to no one else but me -- to never take an entire month off of posting again. To that end, I'm kicking off my new streak of blogging by listing the top ten things I learned this past month. In do particular order, they are:

  1. Election nights are like Christmas, prom, and graduation all rolled into one.
  2. Eating (a second) Thanksgiving dinner (in two days) and then running eight miles is an evil, evil thing to do to your body and a really bad idea in general.
  3. An afternoon of massage and relaxation can actually wear you out.
  4. An alternative meaning for "tea bags."
  5. The Hubbard Avenue Diner is well worth the hype.
  6. Contrary to St. Norbert lore, your skin will not melt off if you fall into the Fox River. In fact, nothing bad will happen...as long as you don't eat the fish.
  7. There is a definite technique and strategy to thumb wrestling.
  8. Sometimes, Denny's at 3 a.m. is not only a brilliant plan, but totally necessary.
  9. I am the only person on earth who hadn't seen a James Bond movie before Casino Royale.
  10. Someone else has my exact same stubby thumbs.

Now it's your turn. Ready, set, go...

Posted by Erin 10:41 AM


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