The Only Thing Sure to Make Me Cry Other Than My Bike

Two words: Meerkat Manor.

Oh man! Who knew Meerkats led such traumatic, tortured, hard-fought lives. And that one could care about Meerkats to the point of tears.

Yes, seriously.

I have only the most basic of cable packages at home. Other than the standard channels, C-Span and (on the weekends, god bless it) Book-TV, is about as exciting of TV-watching that I get. But today I'm in Chicago and all-but-chained to a desk in my hotel room. To prevent stir-craziness, I decided to get a little background noise going, and turned to one of my all-time favorite channels: Animal Planet (a subsidiary of one of my other favorite channels, Discovery. Can anyone say, "Shark Week"? "The Deadliest Catch"? Love them. Love them all.)

And that is where I discovered Flower and Mitch and Rocket Dog and the mean, mean Commandos gang.

And today, when Mozart became separated from her family because of the non-drought conditions in the Kalahari that made grasslands grow where and when they shouldn't, I found big crocodile tears welling up where and when they shouldn't.

Don't judge. You watch the clip of Mozart looking forlornly out across her little expanse of the Kalahari, head turning back and forth, back and forth, hoping to see just one member of her family. And you listen to the voice over say, "Mozart faced the most dire of all choices: leave her newborn pups to reunite with her family, or stay to guard them and face a slow and sure starvation." And you tell me if you don't get just a little choked up.


Posted by Erin 1:17 PM


  1. Unknown said...
    Luckily get Meerkat Manor Wednesday nights on provincial public television. I'm captivated ...
    M said...
    Deadliest Catch is one of my all-time favs. Me and my sisters literally do countdowns to the new seasons, and then talk about the crews like they are our real friends. Oooh, maybe that was too much information....

    What are you doing in Chicago? Some great weather we had today, huh?
    ShesAlwaysWrite said...
    I secretly love that my husband insists on having a big digital cable package with all the channels because I'm a total Animal Planet JUNKIE. I've resisted getting hooked on Meerkat Manor because I've gotten so into just the meerkat educational specials I've seen... I'm afraid MM would just replace my ER obsession (which I gave up to fit in swim workouts!)
    Anonymous said...
    I am SO WITH YOU on this one. Oh my God. That show is out of control.
    Go Mom Go said...
    My children also love to watch the program. My son was crying after one of the shows. It really does grow on you. :)
    Anonymous said...
    I judge not. I too am addicted to Meerkat Manor. Last season one of the males died after being bitten/attacked by a snake. You wanna talk tears!? Man, that was rough.


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