World's Quickest Movie Reviews

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street -- Go see it. *

No Country for Old Men -- Go see it immediately.**

*Be prepared to cover eyes often and sometimes, not quickly enough, and to lose all fondness for chicken pot pies, pasties, or the like for quite some time. Also predisposes viewer to nightmares, although well worth it and all.

**Except for all of those "please tie it up with a bow at the end for me" type of movie-goers. (If this is your thing, see Enchanted or Alvin and the Chipmunks, or something else along those lines.) Such a superbly brilliant movie that the few slip-ups contained within go by wholly unnoticed. Still thinking about and processing it, which means it's one of the best movies I've seen in a long, long time. One of those rare films that you can apply loads of literary analysis to and still not exhaust the material. Dark and violent, but mostly not gratuitous. Oh, and whatever you do, puh-lease do NOT bring your two-year old kid to see this. It's only cute for a second when she says, "Oh-oh" after three people are capped and then laughs. (Not sure what logic leads one to say, "Oh, let's just pack the kids up and bring them with us to this movie that is rated 'R' for 'strong graphic violence' and is a mix between serial killer and shoot-em-up western genres," but I actually witnessed the end result. Equal parts disturbing and annoying.)

Posted by Erin 11:11 AM


  1. Team Brazo said...
    RE: No Country for Old Men --

    This is how the movie went for me:

    Went from "this sucks lets go", to "this still sucks but lets see what happens next", to "what the freek was that about", to "never again", to later that night "Oh, that was part of it", to the next morning searching the Internet "Oh, that was brilliant!"

    Must see...
    xt4 said...
    " and to lose all fondness for chicken pot pies, pasties, or the like..."

    Umm...did you mean pastries?

    I gotta go shave -

    Erin said...
    Xt4 -- Nope. I meant pasties (pronounced pass-tees, not paste-tees). Cornish-inspired delicacies that miners used to take underground with them, native to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, filled with meat and potato , and oft eaten with ketchup. (
    They're gooooood!
    xt4 said...
    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. I have a whole new perspective now. A mental shift for the better. Am hoping, of course, that said pass-tees were free of thumbs, toenails, eyelids and the like.

    Thanks for educating me!

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